What’s in a word?
This week’s Word of the Week is Luminous: Adjective. lu·mi·nous/lo͞omənəs/. Definition: Radiating or reflecting light; shining, bright. It can also mean something that is clear, enlightening, or inspiring. In a sentence: “He wore luminous green socks while giving his icebreaker speech.” Challenge: Throughout your speeches and conversations this week, try to incorporate “luminous” in creative ways! Whether you’re describing a bright idea, a shining example, or someone’s radiant personality, let your words shine.

Outstanding Club Officer!
Could this be you?
We have 2 nominations so far for this half-year’s awards. There is room for more! Show your officers how much you appreciate their efforts and leadership! That’s right! We want to recognize and hear from our clubs why their officers are amazing. Club officers many times can be the unsung hero in our clubs. The button is posted on the home page and you can go HEREto complete the form. Get this in as quickly as possible! All nominations are due by Monday, October 1st. Don’t wait, nominate!

QUICK! Go look at our D50 website!
Shoutout to Frontier Division Director and D50 After Dark mastermind Tommy Kenyon for giving the D50 Homepage a new look and vibe! Go check it out at D50tm.org. 

Dues are Due!
If you haven’t renewed yet, now is the time!! Say “YES” to yourself and renew today! Questions? Work with your Treasurer and get renewed for the next 6 months. Heck, you can renew for a year now if you like! 
Incentives and Promotions!
You’ve been looking for them and we’ve got ‘em! Please check out the newly formatted Incentives Page on the D50TM.org site. There is something for every club! Questions, please let the Trio know.
PQD Power Hour
Introducing a monthly online training session tailored for club officers, offering guidance and support to help them lead effectively and achieve Distinguished Club status. These sessions are designed to align with our district’s goal of becoming a Distinguished District, providing officers with tools and strategies needed for success. Don’t miss the first session kicking off on September 24th.
D50 has learning for YOU!
When we say the Program Quality Team is on FIRE, we’re not kidding! Visit the Events Page to see all of the learning opportunities. Below is an overview of what you can plan to see this month of September!9/9 Toastmasters Thrive 9/10 NMO (New Member Orientation)9/11 PQD Power Hour9/12 Toastmasters Thrive9/13 NMO (New Member Orientation)9/17 PQD Power Hour9/18 NMO (New Member Orientation)9/24 PQ Power Hour

Base Camp Outage – Happening Soon!
Toastmasters International sent an email on September 6th entitled ‘A Base Camp outage is happening soon.’ letting us know that they are preparing to transition to the new system. To make this happen, there will be a Base Camp outage beginning October 9-October 25. They’re recommending that if you’re working on a project, you may want to download the details to ensure you can stay on track and don’t lose anything. For education programs and pathways content updates, you can review this FAQ

September 11th – Patriot Day
As I sit on the couch and write this week’s content for the District, the date of September 11th remains at forefront and center of my thoughts and heart. I will never forget where I was. I was in Renton, Washington at the time, and was working for a Government Reseller, Northrup Grumman. To say I walked into work and stayed in shock is an understatement. Our nation was under attack. We all watched in disbelief and terror, and we came together. Many of us will take moments today and pause for gratitude, prayer, and thoughts of those who responded that day, those families and friends impacted and will never forget. I know that my heart is with those still impacted 23 years later with the loss of 2,996 people and the friends and family missing their people.
Never Forget….

Kimberly Ross, DTM
District 50, District Director
Would you like to share something with us? Remember that D50 Cares.