D50 After Dark Podcast

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Show Notes:

Robert’s Rules in Role-Play: Parliamentary Procedure in Your Toastmasters Club


00:29 – Introduction and context for the episode

04:36 – Role-play demonstration of voting in a new member

10:04 – Discussion of the role-play and parliamentary procedure

17:08 – Other uses of Robert’s Rules in Toastmasters clubs

20:44 – Importance of learning Robert’s Rules in Toastmasters


This episode features Walter “The Encourager” Price discussing specific applications of Robert’s Rules of Order in Toastmasters settings. The conversation begins with a role-play demonstrating how a club might use parliamentary procedure to vote in a new member. The structure of the role-play is as follows:

  1. Chair introduces new member acceptance item on the agenda
  2. A member moves to induct new member
  3. Another member seconds the motion
  4. Chair restates the motion
  5. Discussion phase:
    • Positive feedback about the prospective member
    • Concerns raised about the prospective member’s commitment
    • Proposed solution to mentor the new member about the importance of commitment as a member and as a leader
  6. A member calls for voting (to end debate)
  7. A member seconds the motion to end debate
  8. Vote to end debate
  9. Vote on the motion of accepting the new member
  10. Chair announces the result

Walter and host Mickey Bennett break down the role-play, highlighting key aspects such as the importance of recognizing speakers, balancing discussion, and the process of calling for a vote. They emphasize how well-run discussions often lead to unanimous decisions in Toastmasters.

The conversation then expands to other scenarios where Toastmasters clubs can apply Robert’s Rules, including budget approvals, decisions about spending club funds to attend leadership institutes or conferences, and officer elections. Walter stresses the importance of following bylaws, which supersede Robert’s Rules.

The episode concludes with a discussion on the value of learning and practicing Robert’s Rules in Toastmasters. Walter asserts that this knowledge is beneficial in various professional and organizational settings. He emphasizes that using Robert’s Rules helps maintain order, ensures timely meetings, and gives everyone a voice.

Throughout the conversation, Walter provides insights into the nuances of parliamentary procedure, such as the role of the presiding officer in remaining neutral and the process of calling for an end to debate. The episode serves as a practical guide for Toastmasters members looking to implement Robert’s Rules in their club meetings.

District 50 Parliamentarian:

Walter “The Encourager” Price




Robert’s Rules Cheat Sheet from University of North Carolina

Robert’s Rules of Order, 12th edition

Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, In Brief, 3rd edition

National Association of Parliamentarians parliamentarians.org